Can't expose Nvidia Hairworks property to UE editor by using Blueprint

I am trying to create a blueprint template for other artists, and I figured there are few weird things when I expose hairworks property.

The first thing is when I expose a hairworks instance to Unreal Editor the detail panel doesn’t show a slot for hairwork assets:


But in Blueprint Editor I can see that slot:


And the second question is are there any functions that I can use to put my hairwork instance into hairwork component? Maybe there are some functions like “Set Skeletal Mesh” and so forth…

I hope some people here could help me… Thank you so much!

The blueprint integration for Hairworks is a little weird. HairworksComponents are just a container class for Hairworks Instances. You can get and set the Hairworks instances inside the component, but that’s the full extent of what you can accomplish inside the event graph. This is specifically because all the macros set for variables in HairworksInstance aren’t exposed in a way that allows you to mess with them outside the details panel. You can either attempt to edit the source code macros of FHairWorksInstance to allow the HairWorksAssets and and HairworksMaterials to be modified in the event graph (This might break stuff) or have you’re artists learn the method of attaching hairworks components to the skeletal mesh inside the blueprint editor and hooking up values there.

Thanks for your answer! I believe I currently don’t have ability to edit the source code inside Hairworks, so what I am thinking right now is to create a document to guide artist to attach hairworks to skeletal mesh by themselves.

soooo anything new? I want to know how to do that