How do I make my line trace weapon impact physical objects ?!

How do I make my line trace weapon impact physical objects ?! I know it’s possible because I’ve done it before. I don’t want to have to make a blueprint for the physics object I want to be able to create it through the firstpersoncharacter blueprint

You mean the bullet impacts now? Or literally the weapon collisions?

For a bullet, you could use “Add Impulse At Location” for the hit actor where you feed the traces hit result location as location and for impulse you can use weapons forward vector multiplied by bullet speed/some value that looks nice.

Pretty much this, When you have your trace its pretty easy to get all the hit information anyone could ever want. Just split the struct pin and you get everything right there. So you can apply Impulse at location from where your trace hit somthing, just like said.

Just make sure you fully understand Collisionchannels, beacuse you might want to create a new one just for your traces.

Anyhow you can read all about Tracing here:

And for the collision you can read about it here Collision Response Reference in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

You can’t add an impulse at location for the “hit actor”. And is the impulse supposed to be a sphere or a capsule or ???