IsOverlappingActor failing

I’m having a problem with MapGeneration that i can’t work out.

So i have a ALevelGenerator Class and Blueprint Implementation.

Inside the Class,
i have array of room’s allowed ( TArray <TSubclassOf<class ARoom>> genericRoom )
ARoom has a roomMesh a entrance and exit mesh for there possition and rotation,

Main detection point is if (room->roomMesh->IsOverlappingActor(roomtoSpawn) || roomtoSpawn->roomMesh->IsOverlappingActor(room))

This does not seem to be working as the image

and in BP i say how many rooms i want to generate.
so maxRooms = 15;

i have removed some code that’s not part of the problem

void ALevelGenerator::PostInitializeComponents()

	spawnParams.Owner = this;
	spawnParams.Instigator = Instigator;
	// make sure the GenerateMap does not fail
	while (!GenerateMap()) { }

bool ALevelGenerator::GenerateMap()
	ARoom* lastRoom = nullptr;
	TArray<int> blocked;
	bool spawnedBossRoom = false;

	ARoom* roomtoSpawn = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ARoom>(startingRoom, this->GetActorLocation(), this->GetActorRotation(), spawnParams);

	for (int i = 1; i < maxRooms; i++)
		// holds a pointer to the room we're going to spawn
		ARoom* roomtoSpawn = NULL;

		// get the total number of room currently spawned
		int roomsInGameCount = roomsIngame.Num();
		// if we're at 0 we need the starting room

		// pick a random index for a room
		int randRoomIndex = FMath::FRandRange(0, genericRoom.Num());
		// check room is not blocked
		while (blocked.Contains(randRoomIndex)) {
			randRoomIndex = FMath::FRandRange(0, genericRoom.Num());

		// is this supposed to be the last room
		if (roomsInGameCount == maxRooms-1) {
			//Spawn Boss Room
			roomtoSpawn = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ARoom>(bossRoom, roomsIngame[i - 1]->roomMesh->GetSocketLocation("exit"), roomsIngame[i - 1]->GetActorRotation(), spawnParams);
			spawnedBossRoom = true;
		else {
			// spawn random room
			roomtoSpawn = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ARoom>(getRandomRoom(randRoomIndex), roomsIngame[i - 1]->roomMesh->GetSocketLocation("exit"), roomsIngame[i - 1]->GetActorRotation(), spawnParams);

		roomtoSpawn->AttachToActor(roomsIngame[i - 1], FAttachmentTransformRules::SnapToTargetIncludingScale,"exit");
		/*Offset Room rotation to match doors*/
		float dotProduct = FVector::DotProduct(roomsIngame[i - 1]->roomMesh->GetSocketLocation("exit"), roomtoSpawn->roomMesh->GetSocketLocation("entrence"));
		if (dotProduct != 1) {
			float rotOffset = roomsIngame[i - 1]->roomMesh->GetSocketRotation("exit").Yaw - roomtoSpawn->roomMesh->GetSocketRotation("entrence").Yaw;
			FRotator nRotation = roomtoSpawn->GetActorRotation();
			nRotation.Yaw = (nRotation.Yaw + rotOffset) + 180;

		/*Offset Room Location to match doors*/
		FVector offset = roomsIngame[i - 1]->roomMesh->GetSocketLocation("exit") - roomtoSpawn->roomMesh->GetSocketLocation("entrence");
		roomtoSpawn->SetActorLocation(roomtoSpawn->GetActorLocation() + offset);

		// get a lit of overlapping actors this should be empty for 
		// successfull room spawning
		TArray<AActor*> overlappingActors;

		for (ARoom* room : roomsIngame) {
			bool shouldBreak = false;
			if (roomtoSpawn->roomMesh->IsOverlappingActor(room))
				if (spawnedBossRoom) { return false; }
				// add it to block list
				// if all rooms have been blocked we ■■■■■■ up start again
				if (blocked.Num() == genericRoom.Num()) {
					return false;
				// remove this room it does not fit
				// set the loop back one
				shouldBreak = true;
			if (shouldBreak) { break; }

		// room was added empty the block list
		// add room to our spawned room's array
	return (roomsIngame.Num() == maxRooms);