Can't Package with runtime plugin: ModuleDescriptor.h not foud

So I’ve written two plugins that handle the pre-loading of a bunch of external shared libraries that my project needs (primarily the torch enviroment, so I really can’t just copy the .so files anywhere.) They compile when I build the editor, and everything runs in the editor fine. However, when I go to package the editor, it says ‘ModuleDescriptor.h’ file not found, from #include “ModuleDescriptor.h” from IPluginmanager, which was included from the private PCH file.

I’m attempting to run it without those includes (by editing my private PCH), but if that doesn’t work, what should I do?

Try adding the dependencies in your Plugin’s build.cs file. Try one of the following changes:

  1. Try adding the PublicIncludePaths

    new string[] {

  2. Try adding ‘Projects’ to your existing PublicDependencyModuleNames like this:

    new string[]

Hope this helps.

Thanks, the additional include path worked. Now it’s not linking with the external libraries properly, but I’ll deal with that/ask another question.