[Request] Epic Tutorial: Landscaping 101

Hey Team Epic,
While landscaping would seem to be sort of a basic dev skill a good 101 tutorial by Epic devs on landscaping and creating landscape materials would be a huge asset to the community and could help UE4 developers overcome some of those trial and error hurdles when first using the landscaping tools.

Some good topics to cover would be:

  • General overview on how to properly use the landscape tools
  • World Scale (ie how to formulate and create the proper size landscape)
  • How to create a multi texture material
  • Painting and material blending
  • Do’s and Don’ts for landscape materials
  • Information on Landscape settings and limitations

I realize some of these things have been mildly tutorialized by intrepid community members but almost all come with a “Im not a pro this could be the wrong way” disclaimer. We could all really benefit from an Epic dev tutorial on this foundation skill in UE4 and it would likely reduce the number of “Augh, my landscape is broken!” questions popping up in the AnswerHub.

Thanks for your time guys

Hi mate,
I’m putting up some tutorials, for world-scale is pretty much already done and for import export too, I’m working on multi-textures and Landscape settings. In the meantime, you can check up my wiki entries, so some of your problems can be solved.

Size and Height
World Machine integration


I know I’m not from Epic :D, but if I can help I’ll be glad!

Thanks! Our hats off for intrepid community members like yourself!

Hi DarkRider,

If you take a look at our public UE4 Roadmap, you’ll see under Videos that ‘Landscape Tools’ is on our list of tutorials to get to. It is still scheduled a few months away from now in September, but please upvote to show your support, and that may help influence it’s priority.
