[SOLVED] Static Class/Variables, unresolved external issue

Moral of this question: Don’t code on an empty stomach and after a long day at work. I simply (read: like an idiot) forgot to actually declare the variables in my static CPP file.

I followed a wiki tutorial located here: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

I have a function called “TestFunction” that is static that I am successfully calling as a static from another class. However, I also have some variables within this static class, but, I’m having trouble assigning or using them, I repeatedly get “unresolved externals” on them. Maybe, I’m just tired, but, here’s what I have in the static class:

#pragma once

#include "Calculator.h"
#include "Object.h"
#include "TheStaticWorld.generated.h"

class UTheStaticWorld : public UObject

	static ACalculator* calculator;
	static TArray<AActor*, FDefaultAllocator> worldactors;
	static TArray<APawn*, FDefaultAllocator> worldpawns;

	static void SetCalculator(ACalculator* calc);
	static void TestFunction();

ACalculator is literally just an Actor class that I have in my program that was written in C++ as well (I do everything through C++.) ACalculator works just fine in and of itself when used as an object, and I have been using it for weeks, however, again, unresolved external when attempting to implement a static version of it into this static class.

The same goes for the two TArray, both are unresolved externals if I attempt to access, assign, or use them (stack or heap, pointer or not.)

Anyone with any ideas on what would clear this up I’d love to hear from.

Any extra information that you want please feel free to ask. Thanks in advance.

How do u resolved that problem?