Set Physics Linear Velocity node only works for server?

I’ve made a multiplayer game where players control their own car. Each car has a boost function to allow the players car to increase their velocity in a shorter amount of time than usual. To achieve this i used the “Get Physics Linear Velocity” and “Set Physics Linear Velocity” nodes to get the current velocity of the players car, increase it by 1%, and set the new velocity of the player’s car to the resulting number/vector.

This image shows what I’ve done:

However, this function only seems to work for a player if they are the “server host” for the game. Client players can run the function (tested this using the print string node), but their velocity is not increased.

My question is: Do the “Get Physics Linear Velocity” and “Set Physics Linear Velocity” not work for clients of a server? And is there an alternative solution to increasing the players velocity which might not have this issue?

That custom event, is it set to replicate Run on Server?