Merge GC Clusters Crashes Game on Android

I spent some time a while little back looking at some weird crashes on startup I was getting on Android.
see [here][1]

Basically, some new materials I added would cause my project to always crash on startup, even though there was nothing bad about the materials.

Turns out it was crashing when the engine tried to merge some GC clusters while starting up.
So, I’m turning off [Project Settings → Garbage Collection → Merge GC Clusters] to let me run my project.

I saw a post about a similar problem over [here][2] but there doesn’t seem to be any followup. Is this bug being looked at?

Strange Crash On Startup in Android - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums
[2]: Merge GC clusters crashes game on mobile - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

  • Is this happening after you’ve upgraded your project from one version of the engine to another?
  • Are you able to reproduce this in a new project?
  • Have you tested in 4.14 or 4.14.1?
  • Do you have 100% reproduction steps?



We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you!