Problem attaching weapon to character

Forgive my bad English.
I am new to UE4 coding. I followed this tutorial step by step for attaching a weapon to my character

I carefully replaced the old APIs and it looked very nice when “Compile Complete” occured.
But when I hit the Play,my character just froze!(In the air)
It seemed like my character’s physics did’t work.(so did inputs)
Can anybody help me out?

void ATP_ThirdPersonCharacter::BeginPlay()
	FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
	SpawnParams.Owner = this;
	SpawnParams.Instigator = Instigator;

	AMyWeapon *WeaponSpawner = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AMyWeapon>(WeaponSpawn,SpawnParams);

	if (WeaponSpawner)
		WeaponSpawner->AttachToComponent(GetMesh(), FAttachmentTransformRules::SnapToTargetNotIncludingScale,FName(TEXT("WeaponSlot")));
		CurrentWeapon = WeaponSpawner;


Your character might collide with the weapon and that can cause problems, try disabling weapon collision and try again.