TwinStick strange errors, no input after respawn

After my death sequence, I respawn the character and possess, but I can only use my mouse rotation.

WASD and LEFT Mouse no longer function and I’ve tried “enable input” and also the one game input (Game and UI Only etc…) in all variations without success.

The input functionality is in my self made “AndyController” not the generic. It’s sort of special using the mouse pointer giving the ability to rotate my ship to where i am pointing while the WASD still moves me leftrightupdown like normal.
If you ever played ASTEROIDS back in the day, this is the way it works.

The mouse rotation part of the code is running off EVENT TICK.

My errors when quitting after respawn:

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_K2_GetPawn_ReturnValue2 from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_Andy_Controller’ from node: SetActorRotation in graph: EventGraph in object: Andy_Controller with description: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_K2_GetPawn_ReturnValue2

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access Andy_Character_82 via property AndyCharacter, but Andy_Character_82 is pending kill from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_Andy_Controller’ from node: Add Movement Input in graph: EventGraph in object: Andy_Controller with description: Attempted to access Andy_Character_82 via property AndyCharacter, but Andy_Character_82 is pending kill

Here is my Movement Keys (again, in the controller not the character)


Having trouble understanding this and as you can see in this pic Get Controlled Pawn and Get Player Character deliver the same result and when I use my AndyCharacter Reference (which is stored on begin play) I cant even use the mouse either.

Thank you for any assistance!