Has anyone recreated seamless portals in UE4 so far?

I was just wondering if there were any new developments in the area of seamless portals like in the Portal games. Has anyone found a way of making them efficiently?

I think I saw a thread on this awhile ago and there seems to be some key piece missing that was available in UDK. You can probably still create seamless portals, but it will take some C++ I think.

I would love to get a large portal wall for my world wrap!

The visual effect as seen in portal games can be implemented with C++ I think (tried several techniques with Blueprints, but none got close enough). However the physics…I am not so sure…

You can see my attempt at this here: (this is purely visual and no physics is trasferred across)
Portal visual efefct using UE4 Blueprint

I see. Thanks, anyway.