Disabling evaluation of blueprints on loading

I’v made an error within a blueprint upon which the engine crashes.
Every time the blueprint gets restored after crash, or when opening it, the engine crashes again because it is probably evaluating it as the editor opens.

Is there a way to set the blueprints editor not to evaluate a blueprint upon loading it ?
This way I could fix the error - or at least have a look - without losing the entire blueprint and start anew.


In general you need to disable the C++ code that is crashing. Blueprints themselves are supposed to be safe (no unsafe memory access) so there’s no way to disable all blueprint script.

I can be more precise if you can provide a call stack or similar information.

Unfortunately I deleted the blueprint, but it’s been sent at least once through the automatic crash reporting system. If I recall it was a wrong index when adding spline points: I had 2 add points, one after the other, but the first one did not update the spline. That was probably causing the crash.

There have been several SplineComponent related fixes (UE-34930, specifically, but also some blueprint reinstancing bug fixes) for 4.14. If you come across the callstack we can try and verify the fix.