Always open specific level

I am probably missing something very obvious here. I want the game to always start on main menu level, even in PiE. I thought that these settings are supposed to do that, but it doesn’t work. When I open another level and hit play, I am in that level instead.

I also tried in event graph of game mode the following, which kinda works and shows the menu, but for some reason I cannot click on buttons nor they are active on hover.

Also in level blueprint for the main menu level, I am doing the following, but I assume it never gets executed for some reason.

Hi Daniel,

I take it that you mean if you have 2 levels (one is MainMenu and one is Maingame) and what you are doing is tying to play the MainMenu level when you have the MainGame level open?

If so, you’d need to add a widget (pause menu) that has a main menu button in there. (on click> Open level)

UE4 only plays the level that is currently open unless you do something like I said above.

Hope that helps!

I think you must open main menu level on begin play of all your level BPs not in game mode

Ok I see, thanks for the info.