iOS packaging failed: ThirdParty/libJPG/jpgd.cpp not found?

I tried packaging my “C++ Basic Code” project for iOS (remote build using Windows 10 and OS X 10.11
). It failed and I notice the following line in the log which seems to be causing the problem:

UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: Couldn’t find required additional file to shadow: ThirdParty/libJPG/jpgd.cpp

Does anyone have the same problem?

Log file attached.

  • Are you able to package a blank project for iOS on your Windows machine?
  • Have you tried deleting your projects Intermediate and Saved folders?
  • Did you try installing libjpeg-dev?
  • [Forum Post: Linux related though][1]


Compile and Start Error under Linux - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums

, I can package a blank Blueprint project (no remote build as far as I know), but not a blank C++ project. What I did was just creating a C++ “Basic Code” template for “Mobile/Tablet”. I then setup the “[Remote Build Options][1]” and package for iOS and it gave me the mentioned error. No, I did not install libjpeg-dev. I cannot find anything concerning libjpeg-dev in the UE4 documentation. Can you give me some pointers about that? Thank you.

Working on iOS Projects Using a Windows Machine in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

It’s been reported by other users within the community that when they installed the ‘libjpeg-dev’ it fixed the error for that. I would also try to re-verify your version of the engine, to make sure that there weren’t any files corrupted or missed during the installation process.

, I seem to be able to solve the problem without installing libjpeg-dev. I found the 2 files [jpgd.cpp and jpge.cpp][1] online, put them in \Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\libJPG and the problem goes away. Are these 2 files supposed to be included in the current engine distribution?

Now, another problem appears during packaging which I am trying to solve:

UnrealBuildTool: Provisioning profile “iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *” is Xcode managed, but signing settings require a manually managed profile.

GitHub - richgel999/jpeg-compressor: C++ JPEG compression/fuzzed low-RAM JPEG decompression codec with Public Domain or Apache 2.0 license

Thank you for providing the resolution for your original issue. Please review this [AnswerHub][1] and see if their solution resolves yours.


Ios deploy error - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

Thank you . I managed to solve the problem by recreating the profile manually within instead of via Xcode.

Thank you! I had the same issue in 4.15 and this solved it. I was going to submit a pull request with a fix for the engine but it looks like those source files are there in the Source version.

From looking at [this thread][1] it seems something in the BuildGraph isn’t picking up those files. I’m guessing a change to the CopyIOSFilter in InstalledEngineFilters.xml might do the trick:


But, actually building a binary release version of the engine from source is a pain (i.e. i ran into errors and am not going to bother because its undocumented). If there were instructions for that I could submit a pull request with a fix but as-is there’s no way for me to verify the change.

How can I make a 'release' build of Unreal Engine source for team distribution? - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums