Behavior tree service: Set Default Focus not working

The service does not appear to be working. When I perform the SetFocus from the AI Controller the AI agents face the player during moveto within the behavior tree. If I try to add the Set Default Focus service within the behavior tree instead of using from the AI Controller then it does not appear to work and the GetFocusActor value returns false.

Hey NawTCar,

Could you provide a screenshot of the BT you are using for this when you’re seeing the issue occur?

Ignore the last node…

After further investigation, I don’t believe that this is a bug. When I tested this on my end, the character would orient its rotation to face the player character when Move To was executed in the behavior tree, even when using the Set Default Focus node in the behavior tree to set its focus.

It does appear to return nothing on Get Focus Actor, however, this is just because it has not been set in the behavior tree yet. Try adding a short delay after you run your behavior tree in the AI controller before printing out the focus actor and you’ll see what I’m saying. It should print out the display name of your actor, which indicates that the focus is being set.

Try creating a simpler behavior tree with just a Move To node and set the default focus on the selector as you’re doing in your current tree just to see the results I’m talking about.

Let me know if you have further questions.

Have a great day