XCode 8 managed provisioning profile build failed

Hello guys,

I’ve tried to launch my Unreal project on my iPhone using a MacBook Pro with macOS Sierra and XCode 8 installed.
I’m fiddling around with the provisioning profiles for a few hours now and I’m able to start the launching process finally thanks to this answer thread: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/498987/4131-ios-provision-not-found-despite-being-valid.html
The bad thing: It fails at launching because of the Managed provisioning Profile. Xcode generated this prov profile in a template project with the same bundle ID I created before.

    LogPlayLevel: env: === BUILD TARGET UE4 OF PROJECT UE4 WITH CONFIGURATION Development ===
    LogPlayLevel: env:
    LogPlayLevel: env: Check dependencies
    LogPlayLevel: env: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: MoonvilleEnt.ArchMobileTest" is Xcode managed, but signing settings require a manually managed profile.
    LogPlayLevel: env: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.1'
    LogPlayLevel: env:
    LogPlayLevel: env: ** BUILD FAILED **

Full log:

I’m using a free dev account and can’t manually create prov profiles right now.
Is there any solution to this problem?

I have the same problem but I don’t find any solution in other posts or forums.

no sorry… do you got a solution by now?

I got it working!

Okay I kind of know how to deploy it to my iPhone without joining the developers program:
1. package the game in UE4 for iOS, yes it will return failure but this should cook the content for iOS.
2. generate Xcode project file and open up the .xcodeproject in the UE4 project folder, then it's like deploying any other Xcode project.

Problem with this is, that it seems I have to package the game every time I switch projects.
