Attach Hands to HMD with IK

Hey there :slight_smile:
i am using the VR-template and i want to attach a hand mesh to the player pawn so if you move your hands using a VR Controller the wrist-joint itself stays in the location the controller is and the rotation from the controller is only applied from the wrist towards the fingers and not on the part of the forearm. I found some tutorials that explain how to do something like this with an entire character mesh but those requiered a plugin that you had to buy and maybe someone can explain me this directly for the hands ^^

Right now the entire mesh rotates matching the rotation of the controller (i changed the mesh, but the naming of the joints is the same from the hand mesh original provided by the template, i only added the two joints outside the hand, i will delete the one between the wrist and the elbow, thats from another test :slight_smile: )

Hopefully someone knows a solution for this ^^"