AI Stop Moving


I am currently having problems with my AI. I have setup a simple level blueprint which spawns my AI actors and then the actors simply move to its set goal. They all have the same spawn point and the same goal.

I also have setup that when my AI has run out of health it plays a death animation. When the death animation is played it instantly stops every single AI that is behind and they do not move anymore.

I was wondering if there is a away to keep re-triggering the simple move to location so they carry on walking to the goal. Or could I somehow make it that the AI would walk around the AI that is obstructing them?

This is my spawning blueprint.

Sorry I am still a beginner on unreal engine and hope that this is enough information to understand what the problem is that I am having and what I am trying to achieve. If anything else is needed please ask and I will try my best to provide it :slight_smile:


Instead of using the Simple Move to Location node, use the AI Move To node, like this:

Another option would be to set this move to up in the AI characters themselves and on failure have it loop back to trigger the move to again.

I have fixed this myself but have not posted the answer and what you showed me was exactly what I done to fix it but still used the ‘simple move to location’ node :slight_smile:

here is a screenshot of how it looks now

… check this as well … ; ] ,