Is it possible to avoid performance drops during navmesh recalculation?

Hey, I’m trying to build an endless world involving the teleportation of past levelsegments infront of the player. This works so far, but my navmesh is causing problems. Every time I move a levelsegment I need to recalculate it, so my AI can still navigate. This causes a lag for the duration of approximately half a second to a second which disturbs my game flow. My question is, is it possible for me to minimize the recalculation time, or move it to the background, so my game doesn’t stop. Even if such a solution came at the cost of framerate, it would already greatly improve the current situation.

So far I’m using these navmesh-settings:

Help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Have you tried childing a navmesh object to each segment?

I did, but I still need to rebuild it, when its moved. Is there the possibility to bake it on the segment and if yes, how?
Another possibility would be to rebuild each segment-navmesh seperately, but then again I don’t know how. At this time I’m using the RebuildNavigation console command, which affects all navmeshes…