Texture visible lines when tiling

I took some textured, resized them to 2048x2048, and put them in as a texture and as a material to my landscape.
I had one texture as gravel and the other as stone, and the grass is in the startercontent. it looked like this:

As you can see the grass is just fine, but the gravel and the stone is repeating it self in a visible and ugly way.
I tried playing with landscapecoords and texturecoords but it did not help.

I also tried putting it on some boxes and aligning it, and it gave me the same result.

Is there something in eu4 that I can do to make my texture repeat and tile normally?
and if there’s not… how can I do it manually? because I searched a lot and found nothing about it.

Hey SaHaRzZz,

So you are on the right track to in regards to getting the tiling to look less apparent, however; your rock texture and gravel textures do not seem to be very good for tiling. A tileable texture is going to have less noticeable edges when placed on a surface repeating as the edges match up with one another.

To help hide your edges you can follow a number of routes, each with their own caveat and performance impacts. Have found the most effective way to hide tiling is to multiply the same texture at different scales on top of one another. We do this with some of our Starter Content, and it is called Macro Texture Variation. Below is an example of how this works and how to implement this within your own material.

Macro Variation

Without Macro Variation

Above you can clearly see the texture tiling and repeating, which is the same problem you are having. Once you connect your Base Color texture samples with the macro-tiling variation, it will be hard to spot the repetition.

With Macro Variation

As you can see, the tiling is nearly impossible to spot when you use this approach. There are other ways to get the same effect but could prove to be more costly. Since you are using the same texture for the macro effect, you are not consuming multiple texture samples. Let me know if you have additional questions.


you know whats scary… Square Enix could learn something from this for FF15.
Texture tiling everywhere.

I tried understanding using the pictures you provided and it didn’t work for me, but then I tried to look into other materials in the starter content and see the macro variations in them.
I kinda achived something
(and it changed the scaling in the texture in a way I did not understand).
how does it work exactly?
like, what parameters I can play with? except the texture coords.

Those questions are better answered by doing the individual research for yourself, as you can retain more through experience and understanding.

In short, the macro tiling is multiplying any number of combined alpha textures (black and white) by the base/diffuse color. This, in turn, creates that patchy and seemingly randomized look to the landscape. What it is actually doing, is breaking up the visible tiling of your repeating textures by adding variation at different scales overtop of one another.

To parameterize the macro tiling and to better understand how it works, you can add a single scalar parameter to the multiply of the TexCoord node as shown below.

Macro Variation Parameters

If you are still having difficulties understanding these concepts, you might want to go back and make sure you have a grasp on how textures work within materials, and basic UV space information.

[Textures - Documentation][2]
