Feature Request: Hide all Tilemap layers except the one you are using option

I am constructing a 3d/2d crossover game utilising the Tilemap feature to texture flat landmass on top of my .obj’s and it works great and gives a nice stylized effect. The only downside however is that I am using between 10-20 layers per map, each one with a 100 unit gap to account for height.

Frustratingly though the hide function currently means I have to manually disable all 19 other layers (in this example), or blindly edit where I cannot see. I’m hoping it will be possible one day to see an option below the tile layer list to hide all layers outside of the one you are working on (an on-off box we can click at will would be perfect).

I know I am in the severe minority here as this isn’t exactly what it was intended for, but it’s an interesting effect for 2D/3D crossovers and is a lightweight means to present a varying level without thousands of .obj’s with alternating baked on textures/hundreds of separate Tilemaps per area.

For selfish reasons I would love this as an option :stuck_out_tongue: But I can work around it if not