Unresolved Kite Demo references during cooking

I am trying to pack a game with several external content packaged. One is the Kite Demo of which I use the grass mesh. when packing I get the following warning:

 C:\tmp\ProjectLauncher.log(20521):UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.12.16-09.23.19:735][  0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Game/Environments/Foliage/Grass/FieldGrass/SM_FieldGrass_01': Can't find file '/Game/Environments/Foliage/Grass/FieldGrass/SM_FieldGrass_01'
  C:\tmp\ProjectLauncher.log(20522):UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.12.16-09.23.19:745][  0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /Game/Environments/Foliage/Grass/FieldGrass/SM_FieldGrass_01.SM_FieldGrass_01'
  C:\tmp\ProjectLauncher.log(20523):UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.12.16-09.23.19:755][  0]LogRedirectors:Warning: String Asset Reference '/Game/Environments/Foliage/Grass/FieldGrass/SM_FieldGrass_01.SM_FieldGrass_01' was not found! (Referencer '/Game/KiteDemo/Environments/Foliage/Grass/FieldGrass/M_FieldGrass_Inst_01_LOD1.M_FieldGrass_Inst_01_LOD1:PreviewMesh')

On closer examination there is the “Referencer” : ‘/Game/KiteDemo/Environments/Foliage/Grass/FieldGrass/M_FieldGrass_Inst_01_LOD1.M_FieldGrass_Inst_01_LOD1:PreviewMesh’

which is correct in my case but the missing reference object is supposed to be in the folder “/Game/Environments/Foliage/Grass/FieldGrass/” which never existed on my machine. So this must be a reference on the original developer’s machine.

I have several of such strange warnings from packs from the UE marketplace. They all reference objects in locations that were never on my machine. The referenced assets are all on my machine though in different directories, presumably the directories the packet developers put them later.

My guess is that these cases must come from sloppy work. The original developers may have created these assets in other locations, then copied them to the locations that go in the shipped game asset pack and forgot to remove the old assets. Then the shipped objects contain hidden references to the orioginal locations. At least that is the only solution I can come up with.

I also don’t know how to fix a "preview"mesh reference nor what that is in the first place.

Since the Kite Demo is one pack that causes this error I think the Epic team could take a look at the original pack and figure out what goes wrong there and that might then be a solution for the other marketplace packs as well

Does anybody have an answer to this? I tried everything I can think of to get rid of this, copying the requested data to the place where the false reference expects it, then moving it back to the original place and resolving the redirectors, nothing, some assets stubbornly give me that yellow warning text during packing.

I am trying to get my packing process clean so that I can focus on real problems. I would really love to get rid of these false warnings.