Low resolution splatmap Mobile

I met a problem on mobile splatmap render low resolution, but on the computer all looks well.

For the car is a very desired option, tell me what to do? Thanks.

Hey JohannHirsch,

It looks like you might not have the Mobile HDR setting enabled. Be sure you have set up your project to target the Mobile platform if that is your end goal.

Can you reproduce this in a new blank project and provide me with steps so I can see it on my end?

Thank you,

Hey Adrew ,

Here is a screenshot from a blank project and the project itself. Mobile HDR always enabled.
[link project][2]

Hey JohannHirsch,

Your issue here is that your reflection captures on ES2 do not accept the default Sky Distance Threshold. All you will need to do is either scale down the Sky Sphere and slightly increase the Sky Distance Threshold value, or greatly increase the Sky Distance Threshold value. This value needs to be a little larger than the radius of the Sky Sphere itself. Below is an example.

Sky Distance Threshold - Skylight

Sky Sphere Radius

As you can see, I cranked the threshold up to 2,000,000 to make sure the Sky Sphere is included in the reflections. Let me know if you have further questions.


Hey ,

Thanks for the answer, but I would ask for the quality of the image in the reflection. ES2 on the quality worse than on a PC.

Note, in the second screenshot, I have splatmap texture and quality as poor. For my game, where there are the machine, it is very effect on the picture. Thanks.

I attached the screenshots, I hope you will understand me:

That is to be expected as the mobile platform does not support the same float point buffer, therefore will not share the same high resolution as the SM5 platforms.

You can enable High Quality Mobile reflections as well as Full Precision within the Material itself, but it is expected the cubemap not look identical to the Shader Model 5 resolution and crispness.

Thank you,

That is, I can not improve the quality of reflection?

You can slightly improve the quality by using other reflection environment methods, but you are going to meet the same limitations for all mobile platforms like max texture resolution and texture samples allowed per material.

Reflection Environment

The Mobile previewer is intended to match mobile devices as closely as possible but is not indicative of what your project is going to look like on the target device. You should always make sure to fully test your project on your target device and only use the mobile previewer to see if your work is headed in the right direction.



Thanks, Andrew.