3D Widget Button

I created a UMG Widget with a button. I created a actor with that Widget in it and put that in my scene. I can walk up to it and use the widget interaction to click the button. I know it is clicking because it is changing to the color I chose when Clicked. But I can’t get that button when clicked to fire off any event. I tried in the UMG Widget to do a simple Print String OnClicked, but that gives me nothing. I followed numerous tutorials online to get it set up, but all of the tutorials stop after creating the widget and interaction, they never explain how to trigger events with the buttons in that widget. Can anyone help me out?

Hello ,

I believe your issue may be one of player enabling, The 3D widget will register hovering of the mouse but not pressing if your input is not set to a player.

To fix this simply add an Event begin play and get the enable input node and attach a get player controller into the Player controller input, and your button should be able to take input from your character!

Happy Creating!