How to properly set up an Oculus blueprint entitlement in 4.14

I have used the entitlement blueprint node and when uploading and testing the alpha build through the developer portal, the entitlement seems to work, but when submitting for review, the review still says that entitlement doesn’t work.

I have implemented the *.ini stuff as well as the code, and since the alpha build isn’t generating the error message about a failed entitlement check, i’m not really sure how to troubleshoot this.

When testing a packaged build that’s opened from the Rift Store (alpha tester), the test passes.
When testing a packaged build that’s opened directly from local build location, the test fails.

Any advice in the matter is appreciated.

Anyone else know how this can be tested - easily ?
On 4.15 … have done the INI and installed the plugins and using the Entitlement Node in Blueprints…
anything else need to be done ?

Can it be tested in anyway without Uploading ?

If using Blueprints does the “C” bit need to be done ?

works fine now as of 4.16