Join session with IP - Best practice?


I’m trying to set up a multiplayer game where one player would be the host of a session (listen server) while the other players would be his client. I won’t be able to use the OSS Steam for this project.

So far I was able to built a Python master server that run on a EC2 Amazon server. Everytime someone create a new session, the master server store his IP address, and when someone try to join his session, he will be given its address and in my blueprint, I execute the console command : “open IPADDRESS:PORT”
It’s working well in local, but unfortunately nobody can join a session over the internet.

I’ve been told that I had to forward the port on my router … But I can’t ask every person that wan’t to play my game to modify his router config. That would be such a hassle!

Is there a way for me to make this user friendly by using the “open IP” method?
And if not, what would be my best option to make session based multiplayer game without using the OSS Steam?

Thank you in advance for the help!

You can use the class “IOnlineSubsystem”. it could work on cloud like steam.You can create session, and search sessions.Also you can buy a “aws” server then put the compiled and dedicated server on it.

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