Changing collision object type does not work on skeletal meshes

I’m doing Set collision object type in blueprint to change it to my custom collision object type at runtime, that is of a simple skeletal mesh inside a BP. It shows me that it gets changed when I look into the details tab while simulate play but I can’t trace it. For tracing it is still the old collision object type, as if nothing has been changed.

Hi Davision,

In order to make sure we are testing this correctly, please list your repro steps. Also, was this an issue in previous versions of the EU4 or did this just start occurring in UE4.13?


Hi Davision,

Since we have not heard back from you in a few days, we are closing this issue for tracking purposes. However, if you are still experiencing problems exchanging collision object types for skeletal meshes, please respond with the repro steps and information previously requested.

