Priority for pawn's NotifyActorOnClicked vs PC's InputComponent?


In my game the left mouse button click can be catched by the player controller and a pawn like this:

PC code:

void MyPlayerController::OnLeftMouseButtonPressed()
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Green, TEXT("OnLeftMouseButtonPressed"), false);

pawn code:

void MyPawn::NotifyActorOnClicked(FKey ButtonPressed)
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Green, TEXT("NotifyActorOnClicked"), false);

The PC event is triggered by the PC’s InputComponent through a regular BindAction (OnLeftMouseButtonPressed() is a function of my own creation):

InputComponent->BindAction("LeftMouseButton", IE_Pressed, this, &MyPlayerController::OnLeftMouseButtonPressed);

The pawn event, i don’t know how it works, i’m just overwriting the standard NotifyActorOnClicked from the doc.

Now my problem is that no matter what i do, the NotifyActorOnClicked function is always called before the OnLeftMouseButtonPressed and i would like the opposite.

I tried to increase the priority of the PC’s input component with no success, and don’t know how to lower the NotifyActorOnClicked priority.

The pawn’s InputComponent seem to be a nullptr, and i don’t see any need to create one as obviously the NotifyActorOnClicked is called, so there is something in the pawn that catches the left mouse button click.

Any idea how i can force the PC to catch the left click before the pawn ?

Thanks !


Little bump anyone ?

I could go with some workaround, managing boolean flag and callbacks, but it would be so much more elegant and simple if i could just have the PC respond to events before the clicked pawn.

