Please check your format string for errors: "Move into "{DropPath}

Any idea what might cause this log warning?

LogTextFormatter:Warning: Failed to parse argument "DropPath" as a number (using "0" as a fallback). Please check your format string for errors: "Move into "{DropPath}"".

I’m getting the same error. Only since adding an Actor Component that moves a static mesh (Open a door with rotation). Never got it before that. And I only get this in 4.15

Odd. After looking at the source of this message: Line 114 in c:\program files\epic games\ue_4.15\engine\source\editor\sceneoutliner\private\foldertreeitem.cpp

and recompiling, I no longer get this error.

I’m using visual studio 2013 Pro. I remember failure to ‘rebuild all’ in the VS environment if you didn’t ‘look at something’ years ago - like 8 years ago. Did this reappear suddenly?

It would appear that line is actually incorrect in 4.15. It has been updated in the master branch of UE4 on Github already, and should hopefully be in the next major release.