Logging in shipping build?

Does setting “bUseLoggingInShipping = true” enable printstring functionality to screen in shipping builds?

If so this can save my bacon massively and I’d appreciate your advice as to how to turn on screen logging in shipping builds.


It pushes logs out into the Saved/Logs/ folder, not the screen. You might be able to code in the capability to allow the logging to show up on the screen, or work with print string/text.


Hi ,

Thanks for getting back to us, but just to be doubly sure will it push out my printstring function text in my map that’s been set to print to log?

If you’ve set it up to print, it should push out to the log.


  • Add the following to Engine\Saved\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml

  • Build project, package android game

  • File was found on the phone in … /UE4/Game/Game/Saved/Logs/Game.log

Hopefully this helps!

Thanks that’s great!

My project will be based on a windows laptop.

Many thanks again, much appreciated !

You’re welcome! :slight_smile:

, I couldn’t find the actual file location you’ve mentioned: Engine\Saved\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml, I’m using 4.12.5, can you please help.


If you can’t find it, you could always create the .xml file yourself, or search your computer for it…as your computer may have saved it elsewhere. I kept everything basically in its default location.

Ah ok, I don’t even have an unreal build tool folder, do I need to use a GitHub compiled version to access this functionality as I’m currently using a stock downloaded version via the launcher.

This folder is from the version pulled down from the Launcher. I’m not sure why yours isn’t included. Have you searched your whole computer for BuildConfiguration and looked for the type ‘XML Document’?

You may want to reverify or reinstall your version of the engine, just in case the files are missing.

I’ve got ue4 installed on my work machine, I’ll check first thing tomorrow, thanks for all your very kind help, very much appreciated!

I’ve found it!

Thanks for all your kind help!

Happy new year btw!

Because I’m an idiot, can I clarify one other thing, do I make this alteration on the development machine or on the machine where the shipped build is based?

you need make this alteration on the machine where you will package the game

This doesn’t work anymore.

1>  D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.15\Engine\Saved\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml(4): The element 'BuildConfiguration' in namespace 'https://www.unrealengine.com/BuildConfiguration' has invalid child element 'bUseLoggingInShipping' in namespace 'https://www.unrealengine.com/BuildConfiguration'. List of possible elements expected: ...

Can confirm. I’m using 4.17.1 and it fails to package the game.

in Engine\Saved\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml


Doesn’t work in 4.17 or 4.18.