Export from blender with sockets

How can I export static mesh from blender with sockets?

I’ve created empty object and parented it to my mesh in blender. I’ve used SOCKET_ naming convention but sockets list is empty upon import to UE4.

Blender’s scene hierarchy:



where did you find the UE4 Blender naming conventions? Would be interested in this. Thank you.


@freakxnet Interestingly enough i was unable to find any specific source for UE import naming conventions. Which is strange for such a basic thing. Regarding SOCKET_ one i just googled it out of some random related questions, mainly here on answeshub.

That is interesting. Maybe we should make a list and add it to the UE4 documentation?

And that said, are you dead set on creating sockets in Blender or would you be ok making them in UE4? Because the latter option works just fine too. Can’t say I’ve ever used the naming convention before, but if you want to use that I’ll look more into it.

Hey, thanks for reply. Yeah I think this reference should be in docs somewhere.
Re adding sockets in UE4, yas that does works fine but i just feel that it makes more sense from the point of separation of concerns to do everything mesh related in blender, and i can also have more control of precise positioning, like snapping this socket to face’s center.

Also, sorry for bothering you more, but i have another problem with UE, some of my Components created via C++ accidentally become nullptr if their properties are altered in derived blueprint class, i’ve created a question with more details about it, but doesn’t seems that it received any attention whatsoever, maybe you can possibly take a look at it? Contents of StaticMeshComponent disappear upon changing ChildActorComponent - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

Did you actually export the Empties from Blender i.e. click the “Empty” button? I had the same issue, turns out I only had “Mesh” selected.


I’m impressed and ashamed, indeed that was my problem. Just checked - if empties are exported - socket appears in engine as expected. And it seems i don’t need to parent it to mesh, otherwise it’ll have wrong offset in editor.
Thanks a lot!