Paper2D: Reimporting a texture of a different size won't change the sprite size

If you create a Paper2D sprite, and then decide later to change the source texture, specifically make the size of the source texture larger, the sprite created from it won’t change size, which results in the sprite getting clipped off. This fixes when you restart the editor.

Hey Rael5,

I am not getting the same results when running the tests on my end. Whenever I scale up the source texture of a sprite, the associated sprites are updated as well.

Can you perhaps give me a quick rundown of the exact steps you are following in a new Paper2D project?

This way I can reproduce the issue on my end and proceed with the bug reporting process. Let me know if you have further questions.


Tried doing the same steps I did before but I actually couldn’t recreate it either. It’s something that I’ve noticed happened a few times over the span of my project (6 months). It happened again today so I thought I’d post about it. Not sure what the conditions of it would be. Sorry I couldn’t provide more info. I’ll post again here if I do track down what the conditions might be.

Sounds like you are troubleshooting as best you can, but let me know if you discover the exact repro so we can continue with the bug reporting if necessary.
