How can I make a projectile follow me in all directions, like a homing missile?

I’m stuck creating a projectile. Currently I can make the projectile shoot at me, but only in one plane. The “barrel” is located much higher than my character and I want to have it shoot down at me.

Also, how can I make the projectile home onto me until it hits?

Currently my blueprint looks like this (also image showing my issue - the projectile is above and went past the pawn):

You could have it moving forward and turn towards the player with the look at rotation from the projectile to the player and Rinterp to that however fast you want it to turn.

Would it be possible to get a more indepth look at your explanation? Most of what I’ve learned thus far has been from tutorials. I’m not yet able to do simple stuff like this at a whim, sadly.

Each tick it turns the projectile towards the player at a rate specified by how strong the homing is. Since this is a LoL type statue the homing strength should be pretty high.

It then moves the projectile foward as many units as its speed is.

I put your blueprint into the projectile blueprint. While the turret blueprint says it’s firing, the game no longer spawns any projectiles meaning it’s not actually firing.

No clue if I should put it into my turret blueprint instead as I have no clue how to interpret your bp into my own.

EDIT: Lowered homing- and projectile speed and the scene outliner now correctly states that a projectile gets spawned. They are, however, invisible.

Try the Find Look at Rotation math function. It returns a rotator that you can poke into the rotation part of the transformation of your weapon/missile.

I put it there. For some reason they were invisible.

Here are the component tabs for the projectile (left - Bang) as well as the turret (right - turret_actor)

This should go into your projectile that’s fired BP, can you show me a pic of the component tab? I can fire mine from my character, albeit they just home back to me.

Turn off projectile movement, I couldn’t get it to home with it. Unless your projectile needs some kind of physics like gravity.


I dont know if that will help with the visibility, but it might? I don’t know why it would make it invisible.

Not sure, drag a projectile blueprint onto the level and see if it disappears or shows?

Check for scale, wireframe, something like that. Perhaps they are not spawning in the right place and might be somewhere else in the scene.

Find the ones that spawn and pause the game and focus on them from the scene outliner.

Are they visible?

Tried that, but that’s not the issue. The BP you wrote seems to be working but the projectiles are seeminly invisible. They do get spawned as indicated by my scene outliner getting filled up (no destroy at the moment). They aren’t stuck colliding with the mesh either as they have collision set to none.

EDIT: Found them. They are shooting but appearing under the BSP. Not shooting from the socket. Hmm.
EDIT 2: Not appearing when playing. Only under simulation when it has no one to shoot at

They are just getting spawned below the bsp and not on the socket that the firing event/spawnActor is at.

I don’t know if this is useful, but on your fire part of the code, its set to spawn at a socket, but on your turret, its a component, why don’t you set the transform to the “bang” component transform?

So set up a get node from

bang > get world transform > spawn actor

world transform, my bad.

The shots fire from my hand.

Yes. Just the wrong spawn. It should be the socket “turret_fire” on the “bang” blueprint.

The same thing happens. Gah. I guess this just isn’t happening.

EDIT: Saw your second edit. That’s not what I’m trying to do. I can make it fire just fine. If you look at the first post, I just need to make the projectile home in on my character. It finds my rotation but it doesn’t shoot downwards. It just shoots the projectile towards my location on the same plane.

EDIT2: Alright! I am the dumbest person alive on this earth. I seem to have not connected my clamp angle to my pitch… In any case, just homing left. :x