Reference Variable not working

Okay so I am trying to get and compare 2 values one is on a different actor blueprint so i am using a Reference

So that is getting my other blueprint and getting the Var I need, but i get these errors

And this is how I set the Var


I have no clue why it wont let me access it.

Your “PanelRef” is set to NONE, so it looks for the variable “password” of NONE. You need to add your Panel Blueprint into the “PanelRef” variable

How would I do that? the box is grayed out and will not let me touch it?

Edit* it says editing this object in a class default panel is not allowed

Do you have placed the PanelBP in the level?
That drag and drop it from the Worldoutliner into the variable.

Yes but I am referencing it into a Widget, it doesn’t do anything when i drop it in the box it stays blank

oh hmm I never used widgets.
My idea would be:
Get the widget in your BP (where you set the password) cast it to your widget and set there a variable with your “password”
Do you get what I mean? I currently don’t have the Unreal open here so I am just guessing what can work and what not

Unfortunately not it works both ways it can read it, I don’t understand how to use Blueprint Interface, Cause i guess i could use that to send the Var from BP to BP

I have tried to create a setup but I’m quite new to the BP communications and most of all, I don’t know how to work with widgets and I could not manage to solve your problem.
I’ll hope someone with more knowledge will find a solution and I will maybe try tomorrow to get into it…
Let me know if you doing some progress :wink:


This is something I’ve been struggling with too but I have been able to learn some things.

First of all the problem with this is the difficulty of getting the reference to an actor from the widget. But this could work if you do the communication from the actor (hopefully). I don’t know how or when you get the content for the Text variable and much depend on that so this “solution” could end up not working. I am assuming the content of Password is set at BeginPlay (based on your screenshot).

You can try to do the communication from the actor instead of the widget. The first problem with this is that you have to make sure that the actor blueprint can do its thing before you send anything to the widget. Here is my actor setup:

When you create the widget the create node will give you the reference to it with the return value and you can use that to set the content of WidgetPassword. WidgetPassword is a variable you have to create in the widget.

Here is the widget blueprint:

I don’t know if this is even helpful in any way, but maybe it can be a starting point for you to research this further.

So I did something stupid, I didn’t update my reference after I spawned the widget, so on the return value of create widget I typed in Set Pannel Ref and it auto wired in there is one object line that needs to be filled in so i used a self reference and this fixed my problem.

I’m sure if i tried it your way it would of worked as it looks close to the approach i took to fix my issue