How can I persist the current state of my map in Unreal

I am struggling with persisting the level data as I try to save the game. As it seems that I am only able to save the data which I have created in my SaveGame class.

My level have some destructible objects and I do not want a user to see it again if they load the game from a save point. Is there any neat way to do it or I have to go down and dirty?

You will most likely have to put a flag in the SaveGame for each destructible mesh to tell if they have been “destructed” yet or not. Then when you load from the SaveGame you will have to “destruct” them again if the flag is set before letting the player see the screen. My guess is that Destructible Meshes are non-deterministic (random placement of shards), so you will have the issue that they won’t look exactly the same way they did when you reload a game. Hopefully that doesn’t matter for you.