How to Set Actor's Location based on FULL Timeline duration?

Hello all,

I’m making a world selection map where you can move a pawn to cycle through different levels or POIs (Points Of Interest). This was based on Alan Noon’s [3rd tutorial in the Creating a 2D-Sidescroller][1] series, however, I wanted to make the pawn smoothly lerp between the different POIs. I set this up with a timeline, and it’s working great. However, I’m not sure how to force the lerping between the start location and the next location to be the entire duration of the timeline. The pawn basically reaches its target while the timeline’s around 50%, rather than waiting until the timeline’s finished playing to fully complete its motion. I can slow down the pawn’s travel using the “Set Play Rate” section of the graph, but it doesn’t respect the timeline’s full duration.

Any suggestions on how to make it use the full duration? Thanks so much for your help!


(Click image link at bottom of post for high res version)

The solution is to make the Target Location the Current Location on Finished. However, with this setup, since the CurrentLocation variable is not set until AFTER the timeline is finished, if you spam the button, the pawn will jump back to its previous location when the Timeline is called. Because of this, you have to run an IsPlaying check on the Timeline when CycleForward is called and do nothing if True. The previous method shown, although it will not force the full duration of the Timeline to play, will allow you to spam the button. :slight_smile: