Widget component screen space no interaction

Is it possible to have the widget be interactable when set to screen space? I have a widget which is a button with text and used as showing loot name on the ground. I want to be able to click the name to pick up the item. Just like in most ARPG(diablo, poe) games

There is WidgetComponent and WidgetInteractionComponent.
The first one, you add to actors like the loot on the ground you mentioned.
The second one you add to the player character. It uses a ray trace to detect widgets.
Read this:

This only works if WidgetComponent is in world space and not screen space. At least for me, WidgetInteractionComponent didn’t work unless I had it in world space.

The same for me. Only works if WidgetComponent is in world space and not screen space. I hope someone will help :slight_smile:

Okay. I figured out the issue. If you have a canvas panel that is full screen and is set to visible; it blocks input to the widget component. Also it blocks any begin and end cursor events from firing.

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Yay! Yes, it worked!
Thank you very very much! :smiley:

I have the same issue but It still persists when I hide my HUD. Sadly, your solution does not work for me.

Are you using WidgetInteractionComponent anywhere? If your using WidgetComponent in screen space, you don’t need the Interaction component.

I tried using one but removed it again after I saw that it didn’t change anything. Maybe my issue has something to do with the Actor not being controlled by the playercontroller but controlled by an AI controller?