Access Violation Crash After Compiling

Build Type:


Build Version:

Version: 4.14.1-3224400+++UE4+Release-4.14

Issue Description:

This VR Blueprints project (no C++) was originally in 4.13 but when 4.14 was released we ported over to that (we just opened a copy rather than migrating everything over manually). Until this bug happens there is usually zero issues with the engine and the project. End of November-beginning of December we encountered a bug (didn’t know it at the time) where anytime we were in our Player Pawn BP that after compiling the BP about four or five times the engine would crash and spit out an Access Violation error similar to the one that is attached to this report. Rather than thinking it was a bug, we assumed it was due to us just opening a copy of the 4.13 project in 4.14 rather than migrate everything over by hand as we normally do. Because of that we just rebuilt the player pawn BP and everything was fine again until today.

I didn’t make any drastic changes to the player BP and after using any version of the Play button (VR Preview, normal Play, etc.) if I make any changes and attempt to compile the player pawn BP the engine instantly crashes spitting out an Access Violation error. The one thing I do notice happen afterwards is that SteamVR ends up reporting a 108 error. This only happens in the player pawn BP though which is why I’m not really suspecting this is a Steam VR issue but not sure.

Repro Steps:

There isn’t really a way to reproduce this. I’m going to try and get a sample project together to share but without that there is nothing specially causing this that I do other than Play the game in editor and then attempt to compile a Player Pawn BP right after.


Hello BananaKing932,

I see that you are working on a sample project that reproduces this issue. Please feel free to update this thread with the project mentioned so that I could take a closer look.

Anyway I can PM a link to you that has a copy of the project that you can download? I attempted to take out a bunch of stuff to reduce the size and such so I can upload it here on the AnswerHub but if I do that then the issue never shows it’s face.

If you would like to provide the project privately, you could send me a private message on the forums. You could provide a zipped down copy via a google drive link or dropbox.

Hello BananaKing932,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.


Ah hell, sorry about not responding. I thought I did but I guess I didn’t.

The 4.14.1 patch fixed my issues so there was no need to upload the project anymore. Once again, sorry for not replying about this till just now.