Changing NavMesh properties breaks VR teleporation

I am working on a VR project, using the teleportation system from the VR template. Noticed that changing properties on the NavMesh will cause this teleportation system to break. In my case, I would like to reduce the Agent Radius a bit so the NavMesh fits more snugly around some tables allowing the player to be able to reach what’s on top of it better, and not pinch off areas that are a bit tight to walk thru. However, making that change results in no ability to teleport at all (per image below).


Steps to reproduce in a clean project:

  1. Create a new project (4.14.1) using the VR Template

  2. Open the MotionControllerMap (I’m using an HTC )

  3. Run in VRPreview to confirm teleportation works fine

  4. Find the RecastNavMesh-Default actor from the World Outliner, and change the Agent Radius to 24 (or whatever)

  5. Test again in VRPreview - teleportation does not work anymore (you will not see the preview cylinder or landing location)

  6. Build Paths and Geometry - teleportation does not work

Delete NavMesh and rebuild - teleportation works fine again … however, the Agent Radius goes right back to its default (35). Further, the NavMesh does not seem to respect changing the Agent Radius default settings under Project Settings → Navigation Mesh → Agent Radius. It seems to ignore whatever I designate up in there. Noticed the same issue trying to adjust the Cell Height, so this may affect multiple other properties as well.

Any ideas?

Hello 1l2Hawk,

After doing a bit of digging I was able to find that this appears to be related to a known issue dealing with the agent radius not updating at runtime. If you set the navigation’s runtime generation to “Dynamic Modifiers Only” or Dynamic this will workaround the issue that you have described above. I was able to get this working as expected after making these changes on my end. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-11956)

Make it a great day