Why only one take hit info is used?

As far as I understand hits taken on server are replicated to non-server players by replicated structures like FTakeHitInfo which contain details like hit damage type , location of hit and other things.
The receiving client then reads this info and plays appropriate hit animations and effects.

However my question is why only one variable of hitinfo is used instead of an array , because in one net replication frequency period the actor on server may have received several hits but only the last hit would be replicated as all hits are assigned to same variable.

say if hitinfo has a replication period (Net frequency) less than server tick rate or if a character takes multiple hits in one tick then in both cases only the latest hit will be replicated and all others discarded as they were overwritten by newer ones.

Why is it done so? I assume optimisation maybe, as there is very little probability of taking multiple hits in same tick or net update period.