Freeze at initialize 73%


I can’t open my project anymore.

It freezes, saying “initializing 73%”.

I have suppressed the following directories but no success:

/install dir/Intermediate

/install dir/Save

/app data/local/UnrealEngine/*

There is no error, the logs just say “thread exit with code 0”

CPU consumption is 0%

I let it run for 2 hours, it just does nothing.

Other projects open fine.

It happened very suddenly, after a very minor modification in my code while working on my project. (i rolled it back with no success).

Is there any other cache i can clean ? What can i do ?

Thanks !



I could reopen my project again, here’s how in case anyone else get this problem:

  • identify the probable culprit asset (generaly one of the last few you were working on last time you could open your project), in my case the last blueprint i modified.

  • find it in the windows explorer and rename it by changing its extension (bp.uasset → bp.uasset_save) so the editor can’t it.

  • hopefuly you can now reopen your project

  • now, with the project opened (and the asset obviously not showing), rename the asset (in the windows explorer) with the correct .uasset extension

  • the asset will reappear in the content browser and you can now open and correct it

I must go to work but tonight i will identify the problem more precisely in the BP and maybe give you some repro steps for the freeze.

In fact we have two problems here:

  1. a faulty blueprint, which is very probably my mistake

  2. the editor freezing and saying nothing

Problem 1 is most certainly my fault, i will update on this one after work.

Problem 2 is on your side: it is not normal that the editor can eternally remain stuck and say nothing when encountering a problem.

There should at least be a time-out with a message “I have a problem with this asset, would you like to go on without it at your own risk, or stop the launch ?”

Because as it currently is, one really can lost a lot of time.

I lost hours googling the problem, cleaning the cache (i have now 30 Go of cooked asset to redo :frowning: ), trying other projects, testing, until i tried the procedure i describe hereabove.

Not mentionning the “my project is lost” stress.

Cheers, ue4 IS a fantastic tool !


All right, as expected, i had a mistake in my blueprint (a GetControlledPawn with no target in a WidgetBlueprint), so the first error was mine.

I still consider a bug that UE4 would loop silently and forbid access to the project when encountering a faulty blueprint on opening.

If for some reason this is intended, then feel free to close this bug report.

Cheers !


Hey -

If the editor is getting stuck during the load process, it is likely that a circular reference between files is taking place and the editor is unable to continue without being able to resolve the reference issue. I’m glad you were able to find a solution to your issue; however after adding the GetControlledPawn node to a WidgetBlueprint, I was able to save/close/reopen the project without it getting stuck at any point. If you have more information or other reproduction steps on the cause of the freeze, please let us know.
