Mesh loaded questions and constructors

Hi Unreal 4 is studying Korean.
I’m not good at English, so I vote translator

Only difference, Mesh constructor to load the UCharacterLoader :: UCharacterLoader (const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties & PCIP) in ConstructorHelpers :: FObjectFinder _DragonMesh (TEXT (“Skeleton ‘/ Game / Character / Dragon / Dragon.Dragon’”)); Use it.
ConstructorHelpers told me if you can not only use the constructor. The method can be loaded in addition to, or would like to know the function.
And other variables in the constructor, I’d like to know if you can use the declaration
For example UCharacterLoader :: UCharacterLoader (const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties & PCIP, float a) when you want to use, like this way he can

It was over the question of beginning.
Answer me back!

Hi Trollism,

Unfortunately I am not sure what you are asking. We do have a Korean section of the AnswerHub. If you are Korean, you can try asking there and they will translate your question and be better able to assist you.