Anim Montage not setting next section

Hello there.
I am using an animation montage to manage the attack animations for a UE4 Character. I would like left click to trigger a basic attack animation, and right click to trigger a stabbing animation. I have a variable in the player BP for both the left and right click, set by their respective events. These variables are referenced in the Anim BP for my player. If left click is true, I get the current section, then set the next section to the standard attack section. If right click is true, I do the same, except that I set the next section to the stab section. I then play the animation montage.

Whether I press the left or right mouse button, the standard attack anim is played once, which is the first section of the montage. I have also tried using the ‘jump to section’ node instead of the ‘set next section’ node, but to no avail. I also have a blendspace between an idle animation, a walking animation, and a running animation. The same happens even if I disconnect the blendspace, so the blendspace isn’t the issue.


Without seeing more of your your project it would be hard to know exactly what is happening here, but my guess would be that your Montage Play nodes are being called too often and resetting everything since I don’t see any kind of latch on your Event Blueprint Update Animation. It is possible a simple “Is Montage Playing” check would solve your problem, but here is another possible solution to consider.

So in my game I basically do the same thing, different inputs (LMB, RMB, etc.) run different attack animations. However, I use one Montage for each attack animation and then just play that Anim Montage directly from my Character class when a key or button is pressed. I still have to check if a previous attack Montage is running though, to make sure the player can’t just spam the attack keys.