Workflow to get UE4 project to PS4


how can i put an ue4 project to the PS4 console? Like the title says :smiley:

Thanks in advance

You need to get approval before you can package games for the PS4/Xbox One. The first link seems the most relevant to you.

Basic overview:
1.Get approval from Sony to develop for PS4
2.Send the lovely people at UE4 your info + developer status
3.UE4 sends you code that allows you to cook projects for PS4 (free)
4.Cook your project for PS4 and somehow get it uploaded onto the PS4 Network…

I’m guessing Sony will give you a test-environment to upload projects to that need to be approved before other people can see your game on the network

is it possibe to work on porting for PS4, Xbox and Switch with only blueprints?

I’m sure you could use blueprints as in the end it gets compiled to C++ anyway. Per my experience uploading a program to Steam–you may have to jump through some other coding hoops to get your program to PS4. But building your project mainly/entirely in blueprints should cause no translation issues.