Crash right after opening

I was working fine in my unreal. I am building a Uni project and all of a sudden it crashed and I cannot open it anymore. Crashes right after I try to start the project. What can I do? I can’t lose all my work.
Please help.

link text


Could you do me a favor and provide the following information:

  • Your Machine ID from the Crash Reporter window if you are getting one. Also ensure to hit Send & Close on the window.
  • Are you able to successfully open a new project?



Send and close done.

No. I can’t open the project anymore. It crashes straight away and the crash report opens.

This is a university project which I build from scratch and I can’t use any other unreal version.
If I upgrade for a recent unreal version would my project run ?

Thanks for the info.

Looks like you’re running into UE-32774

This was an issue back in 4.12, but has since been fixed as of 4.13. What you can do is either upgrade your project to 4.13, or if you are using a source build you can merge the fix commit into your engine.

Have a great day!

Unfortunately, either upgrading or grabbing the 4.12 source build and merging in the fix are your only options as far as resolving that crash go.

When upgrading to a later engine version, there is always a chance that parts of your project may no longer function. However, this isn’t the case with every project, so I’d recommend trying to upgrade the project to 4.13.2 or 4.14.1 to see if that resolves your crash. Your original copy will still remain if you use the Open a Copy option when opening your project in a later version, so you don’t have to worry about losing the work.

It might resolve the crash for the time being, but the crash is related to foliage instances, so if you add them back in the same issue could occur again.

Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Download 4.13 or 4.14
  2. Launch that version of the engine
  3. Click Browse on the bottom right edge of the Project Launcher window that appears
  4. Navigate to your project’s directory and double-click on the .uproject file
  5. When the prompt appears asking if you want to upgrade, select the Open a Copy option

This should open a copy of your project in the later version, which should resolve the crash for you and allow the project to open successfully.

To use one of the backups you just need to copy them into your Content folder and then it should appear in the editor. I’d recommend making a copy of the entire project folder first though just to ensure that you don’t accidentally delete the current map.

Simply deleting the foliage may not resolve the issue though, so I still recommend upgrading over any other methods of solving this issue.

I will install a newer version and try that out and see what happens.
What about the backup saved files unreal does. Any chance of open that up?

Also, how can I open my file in a newer version if I can’t open it normally? (Open level in a new project??)

Many thanks for your support.
I will try that and let you know.

If foliage is the problem, if I’m able to open the project to delete it, I might be able to restore the file.
Can I open any of the saved backups by any chance?

I have a backup. Still not working. I am downloading a newer version and I will try. All I need is my project back. And understand what’s causing the problem.
This is a university project and I cannot risk losing all.

I will let you know.

Thanks for your support