Overzealous Collision Logging?

Hello AnswerHub,

I have been using the AddActorWorldOffset node to move actors around of late, and I have checked the “Sweep” box to keep my actor from ghosting through surfaces. As I am calling it on “Self”, I suppose that this would be calling the move on my scene root, which is a skeletal mesh. Everything is working fine, but I’m getting this warning all over the place in the log:

LogCollision:Warning: ComponentSweepMulti : SkeletalMeshComponent support only root body

Is this normal, or have I not set something up properly? I do have a line trace firing from the skeletal mesh, if that would have any effect. Thanks ahead of time!

Hey James,

This is a normal warning for the type of setup that you’re running (i.e. a Skeletal Mesh as the root).

Take a look at the forum thread linked below:

I’ve entered a feature request for the ability to filter certain warnings, but that thread contains a workaround if you’d like to turn collision logging off for the time being. Also, you could try commenting out the line of code printing the warning as shown in the forum thread as well if the warning is a nuisance.

Have a great day

Great, that’s what I wanted to hear! I’ll take a look into the link. Thanks for sending that my way.

Also, thanks for all the effort you guys put into UE4 - it really shows!