How do i make instant replays?

i want my game to play a replay from before, and also you will be able to change the speed of the replay (superhot)

If your game is setup for networking you can use the built in system in UE4:

To start recording, use the console command “DemoRec ”
To play back a previously recorded game, use the console command “DemoPlay ”
Try using the slow-motion and fast-forward features! Use the console command “Demo.TimeDilation ”. For example, to play back at half speed use “Demo.TimeDilation 0.5”.
The ShooterGame sample has been updated with built-in support for browsing saved replays using the new “Demos” in-game menu. Check it out! (Note that you still have to use “DemoRec” to save a replay, first.)

The TimeDilation setting will let you change the replay speed. Keep in mind this only works for single or multiplayer games that are built with networking in mind (all movement controlled on the server side).

where can i get the shooter game exaple project?

and the demo play commands dont work

The shooter game example was under the Learn tab in the launcher.

The DemoRec and Demoplay commands will only work if your game supports network play and properly replicates all of your actions. The instant replay system is really just a fancy network traffic recorder

its not there…

I’m pretty sure he mean’t to say “the multiplayer Shootout” example, you can find it when you scrolldown in the learn tab.

Edit: My bad , there is a content example for the shootergame, at the very bottom of the learning tab
