Start with tick enabled not working for components?

I made a simple Actor Component and unchecked the “Start with tick enabled”. Yet when I wire a “Event Tick” I see it still executing. It’s possible to stop tick with explicitly using “Set Component Tick Enabled”, but not within the “Begin Play” event.

I want the component to be ticking only when mouse button is held down, and it works like that. It’s a small optimization as I want to avoid checking if button was pressed in a tick event.

Sorry, but … bump?

Hi Daniel,

Did you also disable Start with Tick Enabled in the blueprint actor Class Defaults? Because if it is still enabled, you will see the ticking from the actor itself.

I set up something similar here and it seem to be working on my end. Please let me know if I misunderstood exactly what you are trying to do though.

Cheers, TJ

Well I suppose that could work like that, but it doesn’t make a sense really. Why would there be a separate “Start with Tick enabled” for components if only the setting for actor would matter?

I’m sorry, I thought from your description that you had a tick in both the component and the actor.

When just using the tick in the component, the setup I provided above works correctly on my end. If Start with Tick Enabled is disabled in the Details panel, the tick will not start until I enable it in the component blueprint.

If you are still getting the issue, could you try reproducing it in a new project just to rule out any per project issues?