Wall Run Collision Not Triggering Overlap Events


I tried looking up a way to set up simple wall running, and I have a blueprint that triggers a gravity change on component begin overlap for a collision box I have set up in the middle of the character mesh. I have selected generate overlap events on the collision box, and also on the geometry brush walls I am using to try and wall run along. However On Component Begin Overlap never triggers, neither does End Overlap, unless I look down all the way and then both trigger simultaneously. Furthermore, when I am standing next to the wall where the collision box should overlap it, Begin Overlap Event is never triggered and neither is End Overlap. I am not sure what is wrong here. Does anyone have any ideas?


It also triggers randomly when I am launching through the air.


Ok, I also tried using Hit Event instead of Overlap and I turned on simulate physics and hit events on both the brushes and the collision box, but it didnt work either. Is it a parent component issue?

Ok guys, I found a solution. For anyone that is curious, what you need to do to get wall running working is to do a spherical collision trace by channel around your char. Set the radius however big you want it to pickup the wall immediately next to you, then configure the appropriate gravity/air control/launch logic when the return value of that collision trace is the condition in a branch to trigger wall run logic. Break up the impact normal from break hit result from the sphere trace into x and y parts, multiply by a scaling float to get usable launch velocities that you can tune, then plug that into launch velocity with make vector. If you want a blue print I can post one.

Could you post the blueprint?

you should post your BP as an answer to your own question and then mark it as solved so everyone else knows.

I’d really like to see what your solution was. Could you post the blueprint?

For real, you should post that blueprint.