Dark artifacts at bottom edge of viewport


I’m getting weird black shadow-like artifacts at the bottom of the screen when I move the camera around.
If I set postprocessing to low in the settings, it disappears, however, I need postprocessing enabled.

Here is an image of the issue.
Those dark artifacts at the bottom of the image. When moving around, the dark artifacts intensify, and it becomes very distracting:


Could someone help me with getting rid of them?
in advanced.

Try getting rid of motion blur in Project settings, search it in the Search bar if you cant find it.

Hey guys,

I actually reported this issue a little while back as you can find it here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-34678)

The developers came back with “won’t fix” and their reasoning is as follows.

“This is a known issue with viewport sizing. This won’t happen in standalone. The artifact comes from the ‘black’ portions outside the visible viewport of the larger rendertarget.”

If you guys feel that this is something that needs to be addressed you can vote on the issue. This is how we gauge community interest and it is possible to reopen an issue if important enough.

I hope that helps,


This works for me thank you :smiley: